Online Orders, Shipping, and Delivery Information
Different retailers have different conditions for delivery. Here are some general guidelines, but when in doubt, please contact your retailer first, so they can assess and assist where possible.
What to Expect
Upon order checkout, you should receive an order confirmation. - Ensure the shipping information is accurate to ensure timely delivery. If you find an error, contact the retailer as soon as possible so they can make the correction.
- Look for information that highlights next steps and what future communications can be expected regarding the shipping/delivery process.
In most cases, retailers will email tracking information when orders leave the warehouse and are on their way to you. - In this email you should be able to click on the tracking number, which will allow you to follow your item in transit.
- If the tracking ID is not clickable, you can always navigate to the transport company website and enter the tracking information.
- It is possible that you receive multiple tracking codes if you purchased multiple items.
Depending on the delivery carrier, and the item being delivered, communication regarding delivery can vary. - Some carriers make delivery appointments (in general this holds true for bulkier items such as vanities, tubs, and showers).
- Delivery appointments are usually made by phone or via SMS text, so ensure the phone number is correct when ordering.
- Appointments can also be made via email.
- At the time of delivery, some carriers will drop the item off in an area close to the home, without entering or installing (this is called drop-ship delivery).
- Some retailers offer delivery into your home, in the room of your choice. This is called White Glove delivery, and if offered, normally carries an additional fee.
- When your order is delivered, where possible, inspect the item thoroughly.
- Ensure the packaging is intact
- Open the box and ensure the item is intact
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